Boundaries, some say, aren’t good
Lines cause differences they claim
Free for all is their motto
Right to be in your space is their slogan
Is it really so, I wonder
Would you like me to dictate terms
To tell you what to eat, wear, drink, & do
To breathe down your neck
To order you around
Of course, it’s my right, isn’t it
When life is free for all
With no boundaries or lines
To limit my interference
To teach me not to rule your life
Lines, my dear protesters, are healthy
When you don’t like me in your space
Why would I tolerate you in mine?
Rules are supposed to be the same
For you, me, and others
No matter which side they belong to
Let the lines be drawn
Stay on your side
While I live on mine
Let’s be who we are
Different, yes; let’s be okay with them
For, we aren’t robots in a factory
Note: Rekha means a line.